Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

UNS ( University Sebelas Maret Surakarta )


   In the age of more than three decades UNS-Solo has developed into one of the prominent universities in Indonesia. Various facilities and infrastructure is relatively complete and adequate. Development courses, improving quality and increasing the role of human resources and supporting units and agencies also have provided significant results for institutional advancement.

The main success of the outcome more than they have all been seen from the increasing-quality graduates who are marked by increasing the average grade point average , Number Efficiency Education , and graduates increasingly predicated cumlaude and shortened the period of study. For this reason, many alumni UNS has absorbed in the world of work and spread throughout Indonesia seta began to occupy many important positions in society. In the field of research, an accomplishment achieved in the event of grant competitions have also increased. Interwoven UNS-Solo cooperation with institutions sharing both inside and outside the country have also increased and memnerikan significant results.
   Until now UNS-Solo has nine faculties and one graduate program. UNS-Solo offers over 151 courses ranging from diploma programs, S1, S2, and professional programs, education programs specialist up to the doctoral program. Everything is supported with adequate facilities: bersertivikasi lab, language lab with Self Access Center facilities, and libraries are managed based komputerise and modern information technology such as teleconferencing and Web base learning. Total number of students currently reaches 27,500 people.
Alumni UNS has spread throughout Indonesia and began to occupy many important positions in society. The total number of alumni UNS far has reached more than 85,000 alumni.

   UNS-Solo than continue trying to improve the quality of learning, as the implementation of the dharma of the second and third Tridharma Universities, UNS also continue to improve the quality of product research and community service. This effort has given good results, this year UNS won 40% of the 209 competitive proporsl proposed research. It also won research funds / dedication of the funding partnership and cooperation with the Department of Education of Central Java Province. Efforts to improve the quality of research and community service performed by the Institute on Research and Services in the Community (LPPM). In performing its duties supported LPPM 16 Center for the Study of the subordinates.

Faculty on UNS

  1. Faculty of Literature and Fine Arts.                                           Study Program consists of: (1) Sastra Indonesia, (2) Regional Literature for Literature of Java, (3) Department of English, (4) History of Science, (5) Fine Arts, (6) Visual Communication Design, (7) Design Interior and (8) Craft Art
  2. Faculty of Social and Political
    Study Program consists of: (1) Science Communication, (2) Public Administration and (3) Sociology.
  3. Faculty of Law
    The program consists of one study, the Science of Law.
  4. Faculty of Economics
    Study Program consists of: (1) Economic Development, (2) Management and (3) Accounting
  5. Faculty of medical
    Study Program consists of: (1) and Doctor of Education (2) Psychology
  6. Faculty of Agriculture
    Study Program consists of: (1) Agro-technology, (2) Agribusiness, (3) Food Science and Technology and (4) Animal Husbandry
  7. Faculty of Engineering
    Study Program consists of: (1) Civil Engineering, (2) Architecture, (3) Industrial Engineering, (4) Mechanical Engineering, (5) Chemical Engineering and (6) Regional and City Planning
  8. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
    Study Program consists of: (1) Special Education, (2) Pancasila and Civic Education, (3) Education History, (4) Geography Education, (5) Economic Education, (6) Education Languages, Literature and Regional Indonesia, ( 7) Education English, (8) Fine Arts Education, (9) Mathematics Education, (10) Physical Education, (11) Chemical Education, (12) Biology Education, (13) Technical Education Building, (14) Education Mechanical Engineering , (15) Physical Education, Health and Recreation, (16) Education Sports Teams, (17) Education Sociology Anthropology, (18) Education and Primary School Teachers (19) Guidance and Counseling
  9. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
    Study Program consists of: (1) Mathematics, (2) Chemistry, (3) Biology, (4) Physics and (5) Computer Science
More detail's read on {  www(dot)uns(dot)ac(dot)id  }

Jumat, 20 November 2009

Universitas di Indonesia

Bagi yang mau tau nama-nama Universitas negri di indonesia,
di bawah ini adalah list atau daftar perguruan tinggi negri / PTN yang ada di Indonesia beserta lokasi di mana perguruan tinggi itu berada, baik berupa universitas, institut, politeknik maupun sekolah tinggi :

1. Universitas Airlangga / UNAIR - Surabaya / Jawa Timur
2. Universitas Andalas - Padang / Sumatera Barat
3. Universitas Bengkulu - Bengkulu
4. Universitas Brawijaya / UNBRAW / UNIBRAW - Malang
5. Universitas Cenderawasih / UNCEN - Jayapura
6. Universitas Diponegoro / UNDIP - Semarang
7. Universitas Gadjah Mada / UGM - Yogyakarta
8. Universitas Haluoleo - Kendari
9. Universitas Hasanuddin / UNHAS - Makassar
10. Universitas Indonesia / UI - Depok
11. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah - Jakarta
12. Universitas Jambi - Jambi
13. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman - Purwokerto
14. Universitas Khairun Ternate - Ternate
15. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat - Banjarmasin
16. Universitas Lampung / UNILA - Bandarlampung
17. Universitas Malikussaleh - Lhokseumawe / Nanggro Aceh Darussalam
18. Universitas Mataram - Mataram
19. Universitas Mulawarman / UNMUL - Samarinda
20. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo - Gorontalo
21. Universitas Negeri Jakarta / UNJ - Jakarta
22. Universitas Negeri Jember / UNEJ - Jember
23. Universitas Negeri Makassar - Makassar
24. Universitas Negeri Malang - Malang / Jawa Timur
25. Universitas Negeri Manado - Manado
26. Universitas Negeri Medan - Medan / Sumatera Utara
27. Universitas Negeri Padang - Padang
28. Universitas Negeri Papua Manokwari - Papua
29. Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret - Solo
30. Universitas Negeri Semarang - Semarang / Jawa Tengah
31. Universitas Negeri Surabaya - Surabaya / Jawa Timur
32. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
33. Universitas Nusa Cendana - Kupang NTT
34. Universitas Padjadjaran - Bandung
35. Universitas Palangkaraya - Palangkaraya
36. Universitas Pattimura - Ambon
37. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia - Bandung
38. Universitas Riau - Riau
39. Universitas Sam Ratulangi - Manado
40. Universitas Sriwijaya - Palembang
41. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa - Serang
42. Universitas Sumatera Utara - Medan
43. Universitas Syiah Kuala - Banda Aceh
44. Universitas Tadulako - Palu
45. Universitas Tanjungpura - Pontianak
46. Universitas Terbuka - Jakarta
47. Universitas Trunojoyo Madura - Bangkalan
48. Universitas Udayana - Denpasar / Bali
49. Institut Pertanian Bogor / IPB - Bogor / Jawa Barat
50. Institut Teknologi Bandung / ITB - Bandung / Jawa Barat
51. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember / ITS - Surabaya
52. IAIN Alauddin - Makasar
53. IAIN Antasari - Banjarmasin
54. IAIN Ar-Raniry - Banda Aceh
55. IAIN Imam Bonjol - Padang
56. IAIN Jakarta - Jakarta
57. IAIN Raden Intan - Bandar Lampung
58. IAIN Raden Patah - Palembang
59. IAIN Sultan Toha Syaifuddin - Jambi
60. IAIN Sumatera Utara - Medan
61. IAIN Sunan Ampel - Surabaya
62. IAIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
63. IAIN Walisongo - Semarang
64. IKIP Negeri Singaraja - Bali
65. Institut Ilmu Pemerintahan - Depdagri
66. Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) - Denpasar
67. Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) - Yogyakarta
68. Politeknik Elektronika Negeri - Surabaya
69. Politeknik Manufaktur - Bandung
70. Politeknik Negeri Ambon - Ambon
71. Politeknik Negeri Bali - Bali
72. Politeknik Negeri Bandung - Bandung / Jawa Barat
73. Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin - Banjarmasin
74. Politeknik Negeri Jakarta - Jakarta
75. Politeknik Negeri Jember - Jember / Jawa Timur
76. Politeknik Negeri Kupang - Nusa Tenggara Timur
77. Politeknik Negeri Lampung - Lampung
78. Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe - NAD
79. Politeknik Negeri Makasar - Makassar
80. Politeknik Negeri Malang - Jawa Timur
81. Politeknik Negeri Manado - Manado
82. Politeknik Negeri Medan - Sumatera Utara
83. Politeknik Negeri Padang - Sumtra Barat
84. Politeknik Negeri Pontianak - Pontianak
85. Politeknik Negeri Samarinda - Samarinda
86. Politeknik Negeri Semarang - Jawa Tengah
87. Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya - Palembang
88. Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya - Jawa Timur
89. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Jember - Jawa Timur
90. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang - Kupang NTT
91. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Lampung - Lampung
92. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep - Pangkep
93. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh - Payakumbuh
94. Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda - Samarinda
95. Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) - Jakarta
96. Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia Bandung - Jawa Barat
97. Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang - Padang
98. Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia Surakarta - Surakarta
99. STAIN Batusangkar - Sumatera Barat
100. STAIN Cirebon - Jawa Barat
101. STAIN Curup - Bengkulu
102. STAIN Datokarama Palu - Sulteng
103. STAIN Jawa Tengah - Sukoharjo / Jawa Tengah
104. STAIN Jember - Jawa Timur
105. STAIN Padang Sidempuan - Sumatera Utara
106. STAIN Pamekasan - Jawa Timur
107. STAIN Parepare - Sulawesi Selatan
108. STAIN Pekalongan - Jawa Tengah
109. STAIN Samarinda - Kalimantan Timur
110. STAIN Tulungagung - Jawa Timur
111. STAIN Watampone - Sulawesi Selatan
112. IPDN - Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri - Sumedang / Jawa Barat